Apple WWDC 1996
WWDC96_1996 (CD).toast
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Text File
856 lines
File: AERegistry.p
Contains: AppleEvents Registry Interface.
Version: Technology: System 7.5
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT AERegistry;
{$SETC AERegistryIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$I Types.p}
{$I Errors.p}
{$I AppleEvents.p}
{$I Quickdraw.p}
{$I Keyboard.p}
cAEList = 'list'; { 0x6c697374 }
cApplication = 'capp'; { 0x63617070 }
cArc = 'carc'; { 0x63617263 }
cBoolean = 'bool'; { 0x626f6f6c }
cCell = 'ccel'; { 0x6363656c }
cChar = 'cha '; { 0x63686120 }
cColorTable = 'clrt'; { 0x636c7274 }
cColumn = 'ccol'; { 0x63636f6c }
cDocument = 'docu'; { 0x646f6375 }
cDrawingArea = 'cdrw'; { 0x63647277 }
cEnumeration = 'enum'; { 0x656e756d }
cFile = 'file'; { 0x66696c65 }
cFixed = 'fixd'; { 0x66697864 }
cFixedPoint = 'fpnt'; { 0x66706e74 }
cFixedRectangle = 'frct'; { 0x66726374 }
cGraphicLine = 'glin'; { 0x676c696e }
cGraphicObject = 'cgob'; { 0x63676f62 }
cGraphicShape = 'cgsh'; { 0x63677368 }
cGraphicText = 'cgtx'; { 0x63677478 }
cGroupedGraphic = 'cpic'; { 0x63706963 }
cInsertionLoc = 'insl'; { 0x696e736c }
cInsertionPoint = 'cins'; { 0x63696e73 }
cIntlText = 'itxt'; { 0x69747874 }
cIntlWritingCode = 'intl'; { 0x696e746c }
cItem = 'citm'; { 0x6369746d }
cLine = 'clin'; { 0x636c696e }
cLongDateTime = 'ldt '; { 0x6c647420 }
cLongFixed = 'lfxd'; { 0x6c667864 }
cLongFixedPoint = 'lfpt'; { 0x6c667074 }
cLongFixedRectangle = 'lfrc'; { 0x6c667263 }
cLongInteger = 'long'; { 0x6c6f6e67 }
cLongPoint = 'lpnt'; { 0x6c706e74 }
cLongRectangle = 'lrct'; { 0x6c726374 }
cMachineLoc = 'mLoc'; { 0x6d4c6f63 }
cMenu = 'cmnu'; { 0x636d6e75 }
cMenuItem = 'cmen'; { 0x636d656e }
cObject = 'cobj'; { 0x636f626a }
cObjectSpecifier = 'obj '; { 0x6f626a20 }
cOpenableObject = 'coob'; { 0x636f6f62 }
cOval = 'covl'; { 0x636f766c }
cParagraph = 'cpar'; { 0x63706172 }
cPICT = 'PICT'; { 0x50494354 }
cPixel = 'cpxl'; { 0x6370786c }
cPixelMap = 'cpix'; { 0x63706978 }
cPolygon = 'cpgn'; { 0x6370676e }
cProperty = 'prop'; { 0x70726f70 }
cQDPoint = 'QDpt'; { 0x51447074 }
cQDRectangle = 'qdrt'; { 0x71647274 }
cRectangle = 'crec'; { 0x63726563 }
cRGBColor = 'cRGB'; { 0x63524742 }
cRotation = 'trot'; { 0x74726f74 }
cRoundedRectangle = 'crrc'; { 0x63727263 }
cRow = 'crow'; { 0x63726f77 }
cSelection = 'csel'; { 0x6373656c }
cShortInteger = 'shor'; { 0x73686f72 }
cTable = 'ctbl'; { 0x6374626c }
cText = 'ctxt'; { 0x63747874 }
cTextFlow = 'cflo'; { 0x63666c6f }
cTextStyles = 'tsty'; { 0x74737479 }
cType = 'type'; { 0x74797065 }
cVersion = 'vers'; { 0x76657273 }
cWindow = 'cwin'; { 0x6377696e }
cWord = 'cwor'; { 0x63776f72 }
enumArrows = 'arro'; { 0x6172726f }
enumJustification = 'just'; { 0x6a757374 }
enumKeyForm = 'kfrm'; { 0x6b66726d }
enumPosition = 'posi'; { 0x706f7369 }
enumProtection = 'prtn'; { 0x7072746e }
enumQuality = 'qual'; { 0x7175616c }
enumSaveOptions = 'savo'; { 0x7361766f }
enumStyle = 'styl'; { 0x7374796c }
enumTransferMode = 'tran'; { 0x7472616e }
formUniqueID = 'ID '; { 0x49442020 }
kAEAbout = 'abou'; { 0x61626f75 }
kAEAfter = 'afte'; { 0x61667465 }
kAEAliasSelection = 'sali'; { 0x73616c69 }
kAEAllCaps = 'alcp'; { 0x616c6370 }
kAEArrowAtEnd = 'aren'; { 0x6172656e }
kAEArrowAtStart = 'arst'; { 0x61727374 }
kAEArrowBothEnds = 'arbo'; { 0x6172626f }
kAEAsk = 'ask '; { 0x61736b20 }
kAEBefore = 'befo'; { 0x6265666f }
kAEBeginning = 'bgng'; { 0x62676e67 }
kAEBeginsWith = 'bgwt'; { 0x62677774 }
kAEBeginTransaction = 'begi'; { 0x62656769 }
kAEBold = 'bold'; { 0x626f6c64 }
kAECaseSensEquals = 'cseq'; { 0x63736571 }
kAECentered = 'cent'; { 0x63656e74 }
kAEChangeView = 'view'; { 0x76696577 }
kAEClone = 'clon'; { 0x636c6f6e }
kAEClose = 'clos'; { 0x636c6f73 }
kAECondensed = 'cond'; { 0x636f6e64 }
kAEContains = 'cont'; { 0x636f6e74 }
kAECopy = 'copy'; { 0x636f7079 }
kAECoreSuite = 'core'; { 0x636f7265 }
kAECountElements = 'cnte'; { 0x636e7465 }
kAECreateElement = 'crel'; { 0x6372656c }
kAECreatePublisher = 'cpub'; { 0x63707562 }
kAECut = 'cut '; { 0x63757420 }
kAEDelete = 'delo'; { 0x64656c6f }
kAEDoObjectsExist = 'doex'; { 0x646f6578 }
kAEDoScript = 'dosc'; { 0x646f7363 }
kAEDrag = 'drag'; { 0x64726167 }
kAEDuplicateSelection = 'sdup'; { 0x73647570 }
kAEEditGraphic = 'edit'; { 0x65646974 }
kAEEmptyTrash = 'empt'; { 0x656d7074 }
kAEEnd = 'end '; { 0x656e6420 }
kAEEndsWith = 'ends'; { 0x656e6473 }
kAEEndTransaction = 'endt'; { 0x656e6474 }
kAEEquals = '= '; { 0x3d202020 }
kAEExpanded = 'pexp'; { 0x70657870 }
kAEFast = 'fast'; { 0x66617374 }
kAEFinderEvents = 'FNDR'; { 0x464e4452 }
kAEFormulaProtect = 'fpro'; { 0x6670726f }
kAEFullyJustified = 'full'; { 0x66756c6c }
kAEGetClassInfo = 'qobj'; { 0x716f626a }
kAEGetData = 'getd'; { 0x67657464 }
kAEGetDataSize = 'dsiz'; { 0x6473697a }
kAEGetEventInfo = 'gtei'; { 0x67746569 }
kAEGetInfoSelection = 'sinf'; { 0x73696e66 }
kAEGetPrivilegeSelection = 'sprv'; { 0x73707276 }
kAEGetSuiteInfo = 'gtsi'; { 0x67747369 }
kAEGreaterThan = '> '; { 0x3e202020 }
kAEGreaterThanEquals = '>= '; { 0x3e3d2020 }
kAEGrow = 'grow'; { 0x67726f77 }
kAEHidden = 'hidn'; { 0x6869646e }
kAEHiQuality = 'hiqu'; { 0x68697175 }
kAEImageGraphic = 'imgr'; { 0x696d6772 }
kAEIsUniform = 'isun'; { 0x6973756e }
kAEItalic = 'ital'; { 0x6974616c }
kAELeftJustified = 'left'; { 0x6c656674 }
kAELessThan = '< '; { 0x3c202020 }
kAELessThanEquals = '<= '; { 0x3c3d2020 }
kAELowercase = 'lowc'; { 0x6c6f7763 }
kAEMakeObjectsVisible = 'mvis'; { 0x6d766973 }
kAEMiscStandards = 'misc'; { 0x6d697363 }
kAEModifiable = 'modf'; { 0x6d6f6466 }
kAEMove = 'move'; { 0x6d6f7665 }
kAENo = 'no '; { 0x6e6f2020 }
kAENoArrow = 'arno'; { 0x61726e6f }
kAENonmodifiable = 'nmod'; { 0x6e6d6f64 }
kAEOpen = 'odoc'; { 0x6f646f63 }
kAEOpenSelection = 'sope'; { 0x736f7065 }
kAEOutline = 'outl'; { 0x6f75746c }
kAEPageSetup = 'pgsu'; { 0x70677375 }
kAEPaste = 'past'; { 0x70617374 }
kAEPlain = 'plan'; { 0x706c616e }
kAEPrint = 'pdoc'; { 0x70646f63 }
kAEPrintSelection = 'spri'; { 0x73707269 }
kAEPrintWindow = 'pwin'; { 0x7077696e }
kAEPutAwaySelection = 'sput'; { 0x73707574 }
kAEQDAddOver = 'addo'; { 0x6164646f }
kAEQDAddPin = 'addp'; { 0x61646470 }
kAEQDAdMax = 'admx'; { 0x61646d78 }
kAEQDAdMin = 'admn'; { 0x61646d6e }
kAEQDBic = 'bic '; { 0x62696320 }
kAEQDBlend = 'blnd'; { 0x626c6e64 }
kAEQDCopy = 'cpy '; { 0x63707920 }
kAEQDNotBic = 'nbic'; { 0x6e626963 }
kAEQDNotCopy = 'ncpy'; { 0x6e637079 }
kAEQDNotOr = 'ntor'; { 0x6e746f72 }
kAEQDNotXor = 'nxor'; { 0x6e786f72 }
kAEQDOr = 'or '; { 0x6f722020 }
kAEQDSubOver = 'subo'; { 0x7375626f }
kAEQDSubPin = 'subp'; { 0x73756270 }
kAEQDSupplementalSuite = 'qdsp'; { 0x71647370 }
kAEQDXor = 'xor '; { 0x786f7220 }
kAEQuickdrawSuite = 'qdrw'; { 0x71647277 }
kAEQuitAll = 'quia'; { 0x71756961 }
kAERedo = 'redo'; { 0x7265646f }
kAERegular = 'regl'; { 0x7265676c }
kAEReplace = 'rplc'; { 0x72706c63 }
kAERequiredSuite = 'reqd'; { 0x72657164 }
kAERestart = 'rest'; { 0x72657374 }
kAERevealSelection = 'srev'; { 0x73726576 }
kAERevert = 'rvrt'; { 0x72767274 }
kAERightJustified = 'rght'; { 0x72676874 }
kAESave = 'save'; { 0x73617665 }
kAESelect = 'slct'; { 0x736c6374 }
kAESetData = 'setd'; { 0x73657464 }
kAESetPosition = 'posn'; { 0x706f736e }
kAEShadow = 'shad'; { 0x73686164 }
kAEShowClipboard = 'shcl'; { 0x7368636c }
kAEShutDown = 'shut'; { 0x73687574 }
kAESleep = 'slep'; { 0x736c6570 }
kAESmallCaps = 'smcp'; { 0x736d6370 }
kAESpecialClassProperties = 'c@#!'; { 0x63402321 }
kAEStrikethrough = 'strk'; { 0x7374726b }
kAESubscript = 'sbsc'; { 0x73627363 }
kAESuperscript = 'spsc'; { 0x73707363 }
kAETableSuite = 'tbls'; { 0x74626c73 }
kAETextSuite = 'TEXT'; { 0x54455854 }
kAETransactionTerminated = 'ttrm'; { 0x7474726d }
kAEUnderline = 'undl'; { 0x756e646c }
kAEUndo = 'undo'; { 0x756e646f }
kAEWholeWordEquals = 'wweq'; { 0x77776571 }
kAEYes = 'yes '; { 0x79657320 }
kAEZoom = 'zoom'; { 0x7a6f6f6d }
{ EventRecord Classes and EventIDs }
kAEMouseClass = 'mous';
kAEDown = 'down';
kAEUp = 'up ';
kAEMoved = 'move';
kAEStoppedMoving = 'stop';
kAEWindowClass = 'wind';
kAEUpdate = 'updt';
kAEActivate = 'actv';
kAEDeactivate = 'dact';
kAECommandClass = 'cmnd'; { Modern Command Event Class }
kAEKeyClass = 'keyc';
kAERawKey = 'rkey'; { Modern Raw Key Event }
kAEVirtualKey = 'keyc'; { Modern Virtual Key Event }
kAENavigationKey = 'nave'; { Modern Navigation Key Event }
kAEAutoDown = 'auto';
kAEApplicationClass = 'appl';
kAESuspend = 'susp';
kAEResume = 'rsme';
kAEDiskEvent = 'disk';
kAENullEvent = 'null';
kAEWakeUpEvent = 'wake';
kAEScrapEvent = 'scrp';
kAEHighLevel = 'high';
keyAEAngle = 'kang'; { 0x6b616e67 }
keyAEArcAngle = 'parc'; { 0x70617263 }
keyAEBaseAddr = 'badd'; { 0x62616464 }
keyAEBestType = 'pbst'; { 0x70627374 }
keyAEBgndColor = 'kbcl'; { 0x6b62636c }
keyAEBgndPattern = 'kbpt'; { 0x6b627074 }
keyAEBounds = 'pbnd'; { 0x70626e64 }
keyAECellList = 'kclt'; { 0x6b636c74 }
keyAEClassID = 'clID'; { 0x636c4944 }
keyAEColor = 'colr'; { 0x636f6c72 }
keyAEColorTable = 'cltb'; { 0x636c7462 }
keyAECurveHeight = 'kchd'; { 0x6b636864 }
keyAECurveWidth = 'kcwd'; { 0x6b637764 }
keyAEDashStyle = 'pdst'; { 0x70647374 }
keyAEData = 'data'; { 0x64617461 }
keyAEDefaultType = 'deft'; { 0x64656674 }
keyAEDefinitionRect = 'pdrt'; { 0x70647274 }
keyAEDescType = 'dstp'; { 0x64737470 }
keyAEDestination = 'dest'; { 0x64657374 }
keyAEDoAntiAlias = 'anta'; { 0x616e7461 }
keyAEDoDithered = 'gdit'; { 0x67646974 }
keyAEDoRotate = 'kdrt'; { 0x6b647274 }
keyAEDoScale = 'ksca'; { 0x6b736361 }
keyAEDoTranslate = 'ktra'; { 0x6b747261 }
keyAEEditionFileLoc = 'eloc'; { 0x656c6f63 }
keyAEElements = 'elms'; { 0x656c6d73 }
keyAEEndPoint = 'pend'; { 0x70656e64 }
keyAEEventClass = 'evcl'; { 0x6576636c }
keyAEEventID = 'evti'; { 0x65767469 }
keyAEFile = 'kfil'; { 0x6b66696c }
keyAEFileType = 'fltp'; { 0x666c7470 }
keyAEFillColor = 'flcl'; { 0x666c636c }
keyAEFillPattern = 'flpt'; { 0x666c7074 }
keyAEFlipHorizontal = 'kfho'; { 0x6b66686f }
keyAEFlipVertical = 'kfvt'; { 0x6b667674 }
keyAEFont = 'font'; { 0x666f6e74 }
keyAEFormula = 'pfor'; { 0x70666f72 }
keyAEGraphicObjects = 'gobs'; { 0x676f6273 }
keyAEID = 'ID '; { 0x49442020 }
keyAEImageQuality = 'gqua'; { 0x67717561 }
keyAEInsertHere = 'insh'; { 0x696e7368 }
keyAEKeyForms = 'keyf'; { 0x6b657966 }
keyAEKeyword = 'kywd'; { 0x6b797764 }
keyAELevel = 'levl'; { 0x6c65766c }
keyAELineArrow = 'arro'; { 0x6172726f }
keyAEName = 'pnam'; { 0x706e616d }
keyAENewElementLoc = 'pnel'; { 0x706e656c }
keyAEObject = 'kobj'; { 0x6b6f626a }
keyAEObjectClass = 'kocl'; { 0x6b6f636c }
keyAEOffStyles = 'ofst'; { 0x6f667374 }
keyAEOnStyles = 'onst'; { 0x6f6e7374 }
keyAEParameters = 'prms'; { 0x70726d73 }
keyAEParamFlags = 'pmfg'; { 0x706d6667 }
keyAEPenColor = 'ppcl'; { 0x7070636c }
keyAEPenPattern = 'pppa'; { 0x70707061 }
keyAEPenWidth = 'ppwd'; { 0x70707764 }
keyAEPixelDepth = 'pdpt'; { 0x70647074 }
keyAEPixMapMinus = 'kpmm'; { 0x6b706d6d }
keyAEPMTable = 'kpmt'; { 0x6b706d74 }
keyAEPointList = 'ptlt'; { 0x70746c74 }
keyAEPointSize = 'ptsz'; { 0x7074737a }
keyAEPosition = 'kpos'; { 0x6b706f73 }
keyAEPropData = 'prdt'; { 0x70726474 }
keyAEProperties = 'qpro'; { 0x7170726f }
keyAEProperty = 'kprp'; { 0x6b707270 }
keyAEPropFlags = 'prfg'; { 0x70726667 }
keyAEPropID = 'prop'; { 0x70726f70 }
keyAEProtection = 'ppro'; { 0x7070726f }
keyAERenderAs = 'kren'; { 0x6b72656e }
keyAERequestedType = 'rtyp'; { 0x72747970 }
keyAEResult = '----'; { 0x2d2d2d2d }
keyAEResultInfo = 'rsin'; { 0x7273696e }
keyAERotation = 'prot'; { 0x70726f74 }
keyAERotPoint = 'krtp'; { 0x6b727470 }
keyAERowList = 'krls'; { 0x6b726c73 }
keyAESaveOptions = 'savo'; { 0x7361766f }
keyAEScale = 'pscl'; { 0x7073636c }
keyAEScriptTag = 'psct'; { 0x70736374 }
keyAEShowWhere = 'show'; { 0x73686f77 }
keyAEStartAngle = 'pang'; { 0x70616e67 }
keyAEStartPoint = 'pstp'; { 0x70737470 }
keyAEStyles = 'ksty'; { 0x6b737479 }
keyAESuiteID = 'suit'; { 0x73756974 }
keyAEText = 'ktxt'; { 0x6b747874 }
keyAETextColor = 'ptxc'; { 0x70747863 }
keyAETextFont = 'ptxf'; { 0x70747866 }
keyAETextPointSize = 'ptps'; { 0x70747073 }
keyAETextStyles = 'txst'; { 0x74787374 }
keyAETextLineHeight = 'ktlh'; { type ShortInteger }
keyAETextLineAscent = 'ktas'; { type ShortInteger }
keyAETheText = 'thtx'; { 0x74687478 }
keyAETransferMode = 'pptm'; { 0x7070746d }
keyAETranslation = 'ptrs'; { 0x70747273 }
keyAETryAsStructGraf = 'toog'; { 0x746f6f67 }
keyAEUniformStyles = 'ustl'; { 0x7573746c }
keyAEUpdateOn = 'pupd'; { 0x70757064 }
keyAEUserTerm = 'utrm'; { 0x7574726d }
keyAEWindow = 'wndw'; { 0x776e6477 }
keyAEWritingCode = 'wrcd'; { 0x77726364 }
keyMiscellaneous = 'fmsc'; { 0x666d7363 }
keySelection = 'fsel'; { 0x6673656c }
keyWindow = 'kwnd'; { 0x6b776e64 }
{ EventRecord keys }
keyWhen = 'when';
keyWhere = 'wher';
keyModifiers = 'mods';
keyKey = 'key ';
keyKeyCode = 'code';
keyKeyboard = 'keyb';
keyDriveNumber = 'drv#';
keyErrorCode = 'err#';
keyHighLevelClass = 'hcls';
keyHighLevelID = 'hid ';
pArcAngle = 'parc'; { 0x70617263 }
pBackgroundColor = 'pbcl'; { 0x7062636c }
pBackgroundPattern = 'pbpt'; { 0x70627074 }
pBestType = 'pbst'; { 0x70627374 }
pBounds = 'pbnd'; { 0x70626e64 }
pClass = 'pcls'; { 0x70636c73 }
pClipboard = 'pcli'; { 0x70636c69 }
pColor = 'colr'; { 0x636f6c72 }
pColorTable = 'cltb'; { 0x636c7462 }
pContents = 'pcnt'; { 0x70636e74 }
pCornerCurveHeight = 'pchd'; { 0x70636864 }
pCornerCurveWidth = 'pcwd'; { 0x70637764 }
pDashStyle = 'pdst'; { 0x70647374 }
pDefaultType = 'deft'; { 0x64656674 }
pDefinitionRect = 'pdrt'; { 0x70647274 }
pEnabled = 'enbl'; { 0x656e626c }
pEndPoint = 'pend'; { 0x70656e64 }
pFillColor = 'flcl'; { 0x666c636c }
pFillPattern = 'flpt'; { 0x666c7074 }
pFont = 'font'; { 0x666f6e74 }
pFormula = 'pfor'; { 0x70666f72 }
pGraphicObjects = 'gobs'; { 0x676f6273 }
pHasCloseBox = 'hclb'; { 0x68636c62 }
pHasTitleBar = 'ptit'; { 0x70746974 }
pID = 'ID '; { 0x49442020 }
pIndex = 'pidx'; { 0x70696478 }
pInsertionLoc = 'pins'; { 0x70696e73 }
pIsFloating = 'isfl'; { 0x6973666c }
pIsFrontProcess = 'pisf'; { 0x70697366 }
pIsModal = 'pmod'; { 0x706d6f64 }
pIsModified = 'imod'; { 0x696d6f64 }
pIsResizable = 'prsz'; { 0x7072737a }
pIsStationeryPad = 'pspd'; { 0x70737064 }
pIsZoomable = 'iszm'; { 0x69737a6d }
pIsZoomed = 'pzum'; { 0x707a756d }
pItemNumber = 'itmn'; { 0x69746d6e }
pJustification = 'pjst'; { 0x706a7374 }
pLineArrow = 'arro'; { 0x6172726f }
pMenuID = 'mnid'; { 0x6d6e6964 }
pName = 'pnam'; { 0x706e616d }
pNewElementLoc = 'pnel'; { 0x706e656c }
pPenColor = 'ppcl'; { 0x7070636c }
pPenPattern = 'pppa'; { 0x70707061 }
pPenWidth = 'ppwd'; { 0x70707764 }
pPixelDepth = 'pdpt'; { 0x70647074 }
pPointList = 'ptlt'; { 0x70746c74 }
pPointSize = 'ptsz'; { 0x7074737a }
pProtection = 'ppro'; { 0x7070726f }
pRotation = 'prot'; { 0x70726f74 }
pScale = 'pscl'; { 0x7073636c }
pScript = 'scpt'; { 0x73637074 }
pScriptTag = 'psct'; { 0x70736374 }
pSelected = 'selc'; { 0x73656c63 }
pSelection = 'sele'; { 0x73656c65 }
pStartAngle = 'pang'; { 0x70616e67 }
pStartPoint = 'pstp'; { 0x70737470 }
pTextColor = 'ptxc'; { 0x70747863 }
pTextFont = 'ptxf'; { 0x70747866 }
pTextItemDelimiters = 'txdl'; { 0x7478646c }
pTextPointSize = 'ptps'; { 0x70747073 }
pTextStyles = 'txst'; { 0x74787374 }
pTransferMode = 'pptm'; { 0x7070746d }
pTranslation = 'ptrs'; { 0x70747273 }
pUniformStyles = 'ustl'; { 0x7573746c }
pUpdateOn = 'pupd'; { 0x70757064 }
pUserSelection = 'pusl'; { 0x7075736c }
pVersion = 'vers'; { 0x76657273 }
pVisible = 'pvis'; { 0x70766973 }
typeAEText = 'tTXT'; { 0x74545854 }
typeArc = 'carc'; { 0x63617263 }
typeBest = 'best'; { 0x62657374 }
typeCell = 'ccel'; { 0x6363656c }
typeClassInfo = 'gcli'; { 0x67636c69 }
typeColorTable = 'clrt'; { 0x636c7274 }
typeColumn = 'ccol'; { 0x63636f6c }
typeDashStyle = 'tdas'; { 0x74646173 }
typeData = 'tdta'; { 0x74647461 }
typeDrawingArea = 'cdrw'; { 0x63647277 }
typeElemInfo = 'elin'; { 0x656c696e }
typeEnumeration = 'enum'; { 0x656e756d }
typeEPS = 'EPS '; { 0x45505320 }
typeEventInfo = 'evin'; { 0x6576696e }
typeFinderWindow = 'fwin'; { 0x6677696e }
typeFixedPoint = 'fpnt'; { 0x66706e74 }
typeFixedRectangle = 'frct'; { 0x66726374 }
typeGraphicLine = 'glin'; { 0x676c696e }
typeGraphicText = 'cgtx'; { 0x63677478 }
typeGroupedGraphic = 'cpic'; { 0x63706963 }
typeInsertionLoc = 'insl'; { 0x696e736c }
typeIntlText = 'itxt'; { 0x69747874 }
typeIntlWritingCode = 'intl'; { 0x696e746c }
typeLongDateTime = 'ldt '; { 0x6c647420 }
typeLongFixed = 'lfxd'; { 0x6c667864 }
typeLongFixedPoint = 'lfpt'; { 0x6c667074 }
typeLongFixedRectangle = 'lfrc'; { 0x6c667263 }
typeLongPoint = 'lpnt'; { 0x6c706e74 }
typeLongRectangle = 'lrct'; { 0x6c726374 }
typeMachineLoc = 'mLoc'; { 0x6d4c6f63 }
typeOval = 'covl'; { 0x636f766c }
typeParamInfo = 'pmin'; { 0x706d696e }
typePict = 'PICT'; { 0x50494354 }
typePixelMap = 'cpix'; { 0x63706978 }
typePixMapMinus = 'tpmm'; { 0x74706d6d }
typePolygon = 'cpgn'; { 0x6370676e }
typePropInfo = 'pinf'; { 0x70696e66 }
typeQDPoint = 'QDpt'; { 0x51447074 }
typeRectangle = 'crec'; { 0x63726563 }
typeRGB16 = 'tr16'; { 0x74723136 }
typeRGB96 = 'tr96'; { 0x74723936 }
typeRGBColor = 'cRGB'; { 0x63524742 }
typeRotation = 'trot'; { 0x74726f74 }
typeRoundedRectangle = 'crrc'; { 0x63727263 }
typeRow = 'crow'; { 0x63726f77 }
typeScrapStyles = 'styl'; { 0x7374796c }
typeScript = 'scpt'; { 0x73637074 }
typeStyledText = 'STXT'; { 0x53545854 }
typeSuiteInfo = 'suin'; { 0x7375696e }
typeTable = 'ctbl'; { 0x6374626c }
typeTextStyles = 'tsty'; { 0x74737479 }
typeTIFF = 'TIFF'; { 0x54494646 }
typeVersion = 'vers'; { 0x76657273 }
kAEMenuClass = 'menu';
kAEMenuSelect = 'mhit';
kAEMouseDown = 'mdwn';
kAEMouseDownInBack = 'mdbk';
kAEKeyDown = 'kdwn';
kAEResized = 'rsiz';
kAEPromise = 'prom';
keyMenuID = 'mid ';
keyMenuItem = 'mitm';
keyCloseAllWindows = 'caw ';
keyOriginalBounds = 'obnd';
keyNewBounds = 'nbnd';
keyLocalWhere = 'lwhr';
typeHIMenu = 'mobj';
typeHIWindow = 'wobj';
{ Scrap class }
kAEScrapClass = 'scrp'; { Scrap promise event id }
kAEScrapPromise = 'prom'; { Scrap data types }
typeScrapRef = 'sref';
typeScrapItemRef = 'ssir';
typeScrapItemType = 'ssit';
typeUserPromiseHint = 'suph';
{ Clipboard class }
kAEClipboardClass = 'clip'; { Clipobard changed event id }
kAEClipboardChanged = 'chng'; { Clipboard data types }
typeClipboardTypesBuffer = 'type'; { Clipboard disposed id (includes a typeScrapRef) }
kAEClipboardDisposed = 'disp';
{ Drag class }
kAEDragClass = 'drag'; { Tracking event id's }
kAEDragEnteredApplication = 'dtea';
kAEDragLeftApplication = 'dtla';
kAEDragMovedInWindow = 'dtmw';
kAEDragEnteredWindow = 'dtew';
kAEDragLeftWindow = 'dtlw'; { Tracking events containg the following keyDirectObject's: }
{ typeScrapRef }
{ typeHIWindow }
{ Receive event id }
kAEDragReceived = 'recv'; { Receive event contains the following keyDirectObject's: }
{ typeScrapRef }
{ typeHIWindow }
kAEDragDrawBegin = 'drdb';
kAEDragDraw = 'drdw';
kAEDragDrawHide = 'drdh';
kAEDragDrawEnd = 'drde'; { Drag draw event contains the following keyDirectObject: }
{ typeScrapRef }
typeDragShowRgn = 'srgn';
typeDragShowOrigin = 'sorg';
typeDragHideRgn = 'hrgn';
typeDragHideOrigin = 'horg';
kBySmallIcon = 0;
kByIconView = 1;
kByNameView = 2;
kByDateView = 3;
kBySizeView = 4;
kByKindView = 5;
kByCommentView = 6;
kByLabelView = 7;
kByVersionView = 8;
kAEInfo = 11;
kAEMain = 0;
kAESharing = 13;
kAEZoomIn = 7;
kAEZoomOut = 8;
kTextServiceClass = 'tsvc';
kUpdateActiveInputArea = 'updt'; { update the active input area }
kShowHideInputWindow = 'shiw'; { show or hide the input window }
kPos2Offset = 'p2st'; { converting global coordinates to char position }
kOffset2Pos = 'st2p'; { converting char position to global coordinates }
keyAETSMDocumentRefcon = 'refc'; { TSM document refcon, typeLongInteger }
keyAEServerInstance = 'srvi'; { component instance }
keyAETheData = 'kdat'; { typeText }
keyAEFixLength = 'fixl'; { fix len ?? }
keyAEUpdateRange = 'udng'; { typeTextRangeArray }
keyAECurrentPoint = 'cpos'; { current point }
keyAEBufferSize = 'buff'; { buffer size to get the text }
keyAEMoveView = 'mvvw'; { move view flag }
keyAENextBody = 'nxbd'; { next or previous body }
keyAETSMScriptTag = 'sclg';
keyAETSMTextFont = 'ktxf';
keyAETSMTextPointSize = 'ktps';
typeTextRange = 'txrn'; { TextRange }
typeComponentInstance = 'cmpi'; { server instance }
typeOffsetArray = 'ofay'; { offset array }
typeTextRangeArray = 'tray';
typeText = 'TEXT'; { Plain text }
{ Desc type constants }
kTSMOutsideOfBody = 1;
kTSMInsideOfBody = 2;
kTSMInsideOfActiveInputArea = 3;
kNextBody = 1;
kPreviousBody = 2;
TextRangePtr = ^TextRange;
TextRange = RECORD
fStart: LONGINT;
fHiliteStyle: INTEGER;
TextRangeHandle = ^TextRangePtr;
TextRangeArrayPtr = ^TextRangeArray;
TextRangeArray = RECORD
fNumOfRanges: INTEGER; { specify the size of the fRange array }
fRange: ARRAY [0..0] OF TextRange; { when fNumOfRanges > 1, the size of this array has to be calculated }
TextRangeArrayHandle = ^TextRangeArrayPtr;
OffsetArrayPtr = ^OffsetArray;
OffsetArray = RECORD
fNumOfOffsets: INTEGER; { specify the size of the fOffset array }
fOffset: ARRAY [0..0] OF LONGINT; { when fNumOfOffsets > 1, the size of this array has to be calculated }
OffsetArrayHandle = ^OffsetArrayPtr;
WritingCodePtr = ^WritingCode;
WritingCode = RECORD
theScriptCode: ScriptCode;
theLangCode: LangCode;
IntlTextPtr = ^IntlText;
IntlText = RECORD
theScriptCode: ScriptCode;
theLangCode: LangCode;
theText: SInt8; { variable length data }
{ Hilite styles }
kCaretPosition = 1; { specify caret position }
kRawText = 2; { specify range of raw text }
kSelectedRawText = 3; { specify range of selected raw text }
kConvertedText = 4; { specify range of converted text }
kSelectedConvertedText = 5; { specify range of selected converted text }
kBlockFillText = 6; { Block Fill hilite style }
kOutlineText = 7; { Outline hilite style }
kSelectedText = 8; { Selected hilite style }
keyAEHiliteRange = 'hrng'; { typeTextRangeArray for System 7, typeHiliteRangeArray for System 8 }
keyAEPinRange = 'pnrg'; { typeTextRange for System 7, typeTextRegionRange for System 8 }
keyAEClauseOffsets = 'clau'; { typeOffsetArray for System 7, typeClauseOffsetArray for System 8 }
keyAEOffset = 'ofst'; { typeLongInteger for System 7, typeByteOffset for System 8 }
keyAEPoint = 'gpos'; { typePoint for System 7, typeQDPoint for System 8 }
keyAELeftSide = 'klef'; { typeBoolean }
keyAERegionClass = 'rgnc'; { typeShortInteger for System 7, typeRegionClass for System 8 }
keyAEDragging = 'bool'; { typeBoolean }
This is the Modern Text Event suite, it defines all the attributes for TextEvent,
RawKeyEvents, CommandEvents, NavigationEvents, and VirtualKeyEvents.
What's missing: Duplicates need to be resolved with other parts of the ModernEvents in this
file! Tague needs to add the data for the Key,Command, and Navigation events.
kAETextEventClass = 'tevn'; { Modern Text Event Class }
kSystem7TextServiceClass = 'tsvc'; { System7 TSM Event Class }
kAEUpdateActiveInputArea = 'updt'; { update the active input area }
kAEPosToOffset = 'p2st'; { converting global coordinates to char position }
kAEOffsetToPos = 'st2p'; { converting char position to global coordinates }
kAEGetInputAreaRegion = 'greg'; { Get input area }
kAEShowHideInputWindow = 'shiw'; { show or hide the input window }
kAEInputModeChanged = 'imcg'; { Input Method Mode Changed }
keyAETextEventText = 'ktex'; { typeTextObject }
keyAETextInputObject = 'ktio'; { typeTextInputObject }
keyAEFixedLength = 'fixl'; { typeLongInteger }
keyAEReplaceRange = 'udng'; { typeReplaceRangeArray }
keyAEGetRegionRange = 'grgn'; { typeGetRange }
keyAETextLineInfo = 'tlin'; { typeTextLineInfo }
keyAEContext = 'tsmc'; { typeTSMContext }
keyAEInlineOwner = 'inow'; { typeTSMContext }
keyAEInlineID = 'inid'; { typeLongInteger }
keyAEIsLeftSide = 'klef'; { typeBoolean }
keyAEIsDragging = 'bool'; { typeBoolean }
keyAELength = 'leng'; { typeByteCount }
keyAEShowHideInputWindow = 'shiw'; { typeBoolean }
typeGetRange = 'getr'; { GetRegionRange }
typeTextRegionRange = 'trrn'; { TextRegionRange }
typeReplaceRangeArray = 'tray'; { ReplaceRangeArray }
typeHiliteRangeArray = 'hray'; { HiliteRangeArray }
typeClauseOffsetArray = 'cofa'; { ClauseOffsetArray }
typeTextLineInfo = 'tinf'; { TextLineInfo }
typeTextObject = 'txto'; { TextObject }
typeTextInputObject = 'tior'; { TextInputObject }
typeTSMContext = 'tctx'; { TSMContext }
typeRegionClass = 'rgnc'; { RegionClass/GetRegionClass }
typeByteOffset = 'byto'; { ByteOffset }
typeByteCount = 'bytc'; { ByteCount }
HiliteStyle = SInt32;
{ Pos to offset results }
kOutsideOfBody = 1;
kInsideOfBody = 2;
kInsideOfActiveInputArea = 3;
RegionClass = OptionBits;
{ Get Region Actions }
kCurrentWord = 0; { Return the current word }
kCurrentSelection = 1; { Return the current selection }
kCurrentRegion = 2; { Return the region supplied by the caller }
kCurrentParagraph = 3; { Return the region supplied by the caller }
kCurrentInlineHole = 4; { Returns the current inline-hole }
kOpenNewInlineHole = 5; { Creates a new inline-hole }
kGetInsertPosition = 6; { Get the Insert Point }
kGetInlineHole = 7; { Get a specified inline hole }
kNextInlineHole = 8; { Get the next inline hole }
GetRegionClass = OptionBits;
{ Hilite Range information }
HiliteRangePtr = ^HiliteRange;
HiliteRange = RECORD
fStart: ByteOffset;
fEnd: ByteOffset;
fHiliteStyle: HiliteStyle;
fColor: RGBColor;
fPenSize: Point;
HiliteRangeArrayPtr = ^HiliteRangeArray;
HiliteRangeArray = RECORD
fNumOfRanges: ItemCount; { specify the size of the fRange array }
fRange: ARRAY [0..0] OF HiliteRange; { when fNumOfRanges > 1, the size of this array has to be calculated }
{ Text Line specification }
TextLineInfoPtr = ^TextLineInfo;
TextLineInfo = RECORD
fLeadingBasePt: Point; { Current Cursor Point }
fFontID: INTEGER; { Texts Font ID }
fPointSize: INTEGER; { Point Size of text }
fLineHeight: INTEGER; { Line height of text }
fLineAscent: INTEGER; { Line Ascent of text }
fLineAngle: INTEGER; { Angle of Text }
fFgColor: RGBColor; { ForeGround color }
fBkColor: RGBColor; { ForeGround color }
{ Text Range specification }
TextRegionRangePtr = ^TextRegionRange;
TextRegionRange = RECORD
fStart: ByteOffset;
fEnd: ByteOffset;
{ Replace Range specification }
ReplaceRangePtr = ^ReplaceRange;
ReplaceRange = RECORD
fOldStart: ByteOffset;
fOldEnd: ByteOffset;
fNewStart: ByteOffset;
fNewEnd: ByteOffset;
ReplaceRangeArrayPtr = ^ReplaceRangeArray;
ReplaceRangeArray = RECORD
fNumOfRanges: ItemCount; { specify the size of the fRange array }
fRange: ARRAY [0..0] OF ReplaceRange; { when fNumOfRanges > 1, the size of this array has to be calculated }
{ Get Region specification }
GetRegionRangePtr = ^GetRegionRange;
GetRegionRange = RECORD
fRequestStart: LONGINT;
fRequestEnd: LONGINT;
fTotalRangeStart: ByteOffset;
fTotalRangeEnd: ByteOffset;
ClauseOffsetArrayPtr = ^ClauseOffsetArray;
ClauseOffsetArray = RECORD
fNumOfOffsets: ItemCount; { specify the size of the fOffset array }
fOffset: ARRAY [0..0] OF ByteOffset; { when fNumOfOffsets > 1, the size of this array has to be calculated }
{$SETC UsingIncludes := AERegistryIncludes}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}